Monday, February 23, 2009

A perfect pair of white shoes

You have those moments in life you never forget and this is one of those. In 1990 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and even though I took the news fairly well I had my moments of feeling sorry for myself ,at least up to this life changing moment. I had to go to the hospital for yet another test and I wasn't having one of my best days. My hubby pulled up to the door to let me out and we had to wait on the car ahead of us. The woman got out and removed a red wagon from her car,took her daughter out of the car and sat her in the wagon and then removed the little girls legs from the car and placed them in the wagon. I remember those legs has the most perfect pair of white shoes. I stopped feeling sorry for myself right then because even though they didn't always work right my legs were still attached and it reminded there is always some one worse than yourself. That's where my life motto came from: I may lose a few battles but I am winning the war

1 comment:

  1. it takes a strong person to find hope robin! way to possess strength!
